Why do
people treat infertility and miscarriage as if it's a taboo subject? This is a concept I have really struggled
with through my journey. During my first
year of trying to get pregnant, I didn't talk to anyone about what I was going
through besides my husband and my mom.
Steve had to know what was going on because, well, he's kind of involved
in the whole trying to conceive process.
My mom knew because she also happens to be my main healthcare provider
(more on that another time). But
seriously, I felt uncomfortable talking about my struggles with anyone...even
my own family and closest friends who would have loved to provide me with the
support I needed earlier if they knew I was struggling. Maybe it's because I'm a person who doesn't like
to admit that I'm struggling with anything (I'm a bit of a control freak that
way...ok, I'm A LOT of a control freak in that way and many others), but I
think there is more to it than that. It
seems that discussions on infertility and miscarriages so often just get
"swept under the rug" because so many people feel uncomfortable
talking about it like it's a drug problem or something! You should see the looks on people's faces
sometimes when I admit that I struggle with fertility and that I had a
miscarriage. They look so uncomfortable
and surprised to be hearing someone talk so openly about these issues...and
it's not like I'm sharing this information with complete strangers (although I
guess now I am). These shocked and
uncomfortable looks come from friends. They
don't mean to be rude and I definitely don't take it that way...it just always
surprises me again when it happens. I
chose to begin sharing my struggles with people because it was eating me alive
to keep them to myself. I have never
felt more alone in this world or depressed as I did about a year into trying to
conceive. And it wasn't until I chose to
open up to other women (in my family and my bible study group to start) about
what was going on that I began to feel less alone. And through me sharing my experiences with
others, I have been able to connect with several other friends who have also
had miscarriages or are struggling to get pregnant. They helped me and I helped them...we
followed and continue to follow a path of healing together. I know
that I'm not alone and that God wants me to share my journey so that others
won't feel alone too. So please don't be
surprised or uncomfortable when women you know are open and honest about their
fertility struggles or a miscarriage they might have had. They didn't wish for this, plan on this, and
it's not something they did to themselves, but it's a part of their journey
nonetheless. Support them and love them
and be proud of them for talking about it if that's what helps them cope :).
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