Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Things that women who struggle with fertility or miscarriage don't like hearing...

Maybe it's just me, but I have a feeling that these sayings hurt or frustrate most women who struggle with fertility or miscarriage.

"Just wait until you have kids...you'll understand."  This one rolls right off of peoples' tongues without them even realizing it could be hurtful, but all we hear is "you don't have kids."  Thanks for the reminder.

"At least you get to have fun trying."  Think about this for a minute...do you really think that stressing about having sex on a specific schedule every month is fun?  If so, you need a new definition of fun.

"Why don't you have kids yet?"  You would never ask a friend this question if you knew they were struggling with fertility issues, so just play it cautiously and don't ask anyone.

"It'll happen when you all quit thinking about it."  Great, thanks for the advice...because it's that easy to just quit thinking about it when we've been trying for so long.  We'll get right on that.

Complaints about your pregnancy.  If you are lucky enough to be pregnant and expecting a baby, please watch the complaints you make to your friends that are struggling with fertility or have had a miscarriage.  I'm not saying you don't have a right to express your discomforts (you absolutely do!), but try to choose someone else to share those feelings with.  Your friend who is having difficulty conceiving or carrying a baby often just gets jealous of the fact you are pregnant and may struggle with conflicting feelings when you complain to her about your pregnancy...do I sympathize or do I remind her that I would give anything to be pregnant even if it meant being uncomfortable?

Other sayings that bother you?  Share them with me at jealousoffertilemyrtle@gmail.com.  

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